About me.

My name is Mateusz. I am currently studying Computer Science at University of Technology in Poznan. I already have finished Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics at this same university. My main hobby and passion is Javascript. Besides that I fancy playing sports (mainly basketball and football) including e-sports (CS, FIFA, HearthStone). My goal is to work as Front-end developer so I study everyday and look for the best offer. You can check out my experience and projects here. If you want to contact me or view my CV click here.

I have been creating websites since I was in primary school. I have always enjoyed that. I designed sites for my class, team etc. Every next site was better so was I. I want to be the best at it and I am ready to work in this direction for my whole life.


Like I was writing in my about I have created a lot of simple pages in my life. I know HTML and CSS very well and I feel confident using these technologies. When I started studying I was introduced to JavaScript and I have been learning it since then (3 years). In my second year I was an intern at ComBio (bioinformatics company). I was working in a small group on a project. Our main goal was to create web-application (called doRNAs) for RNA visualization. I was responsible for user interface (JS, jQuery, HTML,CSS) but also for creating virtual database in Django (Python).

Recently I have been learning a lot of new JavaScript libraries such as d3 or AngularJS. I created a simple clock application to show my skills in these technologies. You can check it and my all projects out on my github. If you are interested in hiring me, contact me here. You can also preview and download my CV.

The main aim of "doRNAs" application was to give opportunity for biologists to see and compare different RNA samples. I designed a feature, which allows users to search experiments from database by thier name, organism or id. It was accesible from every point on website and it was launched right after typing any letter by user. I used AJAX for this, so the searching was fast and comfortable.

This application also provides a lot of information about experiment. I created a lot of charts (Higcharts, Highstock) and wrote several scripts by myself which interact with these charts. "doRNAs" provides also a visual presentation of RNAs itselft. User can look at every element of it and edit to compare itself with other experiments. Library fornac.js was very useful for that.

Curriculum Vitae

If you want to see my personal informations such as adress and phone u can download it here in PDF or DOC.